Dottery Solar Array: Invitation to Planning Board meeting THIS THURSDAY 23 Feb

Dear DCE newsletter subscribers – a special welcome to new subscribers.
In this issue:

  • Dottery Solar Array Proposal – another opportunity to support the planning application

Best wishes from DCE Directors: Alison, Derek, Emily, Henry, Rose, Tim, and Tom

As you know, we have been working with Energy Local Bridport to develop proposals for a new solar array in Dottery near Bridport. A few months ago we shared our planning documents and asked you to voice your support, and we’d like to extend a huge thanks to the many of you who did just that, sharing your support online, in writing and through word-of-mouth. The work to date has been supported by the Rural Community Energy Fund.
The Dorset Council planning committee are meeting in Dorchester this Thursday the 23rd of February at 10:00 to determine whether or not we are awarded permission to go ahead with the project.
We’d love to see you there!  The meeting is open to the public, and you are welcome to attend in support of the project. We are first on the agenda after the public speaking portion of the meeting.
We already have speakers registered and ready to speak up in favour of the project, but your presence is welcome if you feel moved and are able to attend.

Venue:   Council Chamber, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ
Agenda: You can find the agenda and other papers here
Livestream: Dorset Council will also be live streaming the meeting in youtube if you’re unable to attend but would like to follow along from home