Special Newsletter- Join our team!

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Since 2013 Dorset Community Energy has delivered 32 solar PV installations at no or low cost to community and public buildings in Dorset. 
In 2023/24 these installations produced 1,528MWh of energy, and saved our hosts £274,000.  We also manage a Community Fund whose purpose is to fight climate change, increase generation of renewable energy and benefit the local community.  

Dorset Community Energy is managed by six volunteer non-executive directors and employs three part-time paid staff

As we grow, we are looking to add to the team and make sure we’re really connecting with our members and the community.
This newsletter is a special shout out to ask if you or someone you know would fit the bill!

We are looking for a Technical Director, Communications Specialists and volunteer Community Fund Trustees .
If you’d like to know more, click below or get in touch via our secretary on lucy@dorsetcommunityenergy.org.uk

Technical Director: Click here for more details and to apply

Communications Specialists: Click here for more details and to apply

Community Fund Charity Trustee: Click here for more details and to apply

Retrofit Survey- summary of initial results

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Dorset Community Energy and Wessex Community Assets are designing a new home retrofit service, the Dorset Retrofit One Stop Shop, to help householders overcome key barriers to making their homes more energy efficient. In August 155 households completed the survey and this will help us develop a service that supports people’s efforts to retrofit their homes. You can read a summary of these initial responses here:

Dorset Community Energy news – September 2023

Dear DCE newsletter subscribers – a special welcome to new subscribers.
In this issue:

  • Join our AGM on 10th October 
  • Join us as a Project Management Contractor 
  • Together we are making an impact
  • Dorchester Streets Alive – 22nd September

Best wishes from DCE Directors: Alison, Derek, Emily, Henry, Rose, Tim, and Tom

Join us for our AGM on 10th October at 7pm (online) 

You are welcome to attend our AGM whether or not you are currently a DCE shareholder.   If you would like to attend please register and we will send you joining instructions.  Please note the meeting will be recorded for record keeping purposes, and the recording will be destroyed once the record is agreed. 

The meeting will include formal AGM business such as accounts approval and an update on DCE projects including a new share offer. 

AGM papers available on our Members page

Register to attend here

Join us as a Project Management Contractor 

Can you help us to develop and install local renewable community energy projects in Dorset?   We hope to issue a new share offer shortly, and have a number of potential sites for which we need project management support, which will include: site assessment, project development, installation management etc. 
Full details here 

We are making an impact!

Thank you for your interest and support in Dorset Community Energy – together we have achieved:

  • Nearly half a million pounds of savings on energy bills in the schools, hospitals and community buildings where we have solar panels
  • £12,500 of grants to support local communities to address fuel poverty and to support action on climate change and renewable energy
  • 564 tonnes of carbon saved in 2023
  • Produced enough energy to power 1458 homes.  

Dorchester Streets Alive – 22nd September 

This Friday is International Car Free Day, and Dorchester is hosting a ‘Streets Alive!’ event to celebrate.  There will be a festival with stalls, music, activities, and demonstrations in the car park in the afternoon from 12.00-17.00. It will promote healthy living and eating, as well as sustainable transport and cleaner air. DCE have supported the event via the Community Fund and will have a stall there. 

Full details here

Dorset Community Energy news – March 2023

Dear DCE newsletter subscribers – a special welcome to new subscribers.
In this issue:

  • Join us as a Project Management Contractor 
  • Our Community Fund is open for applications
  • Join our Trustees to help decide how the Community Fund is allocated 

Best wishes from DCE Directors: Alison, Derek, Emily, Henry, Rose, Tim, and Tom

Join us as a Project Management Contractor – apply by 14th April 2023

Can you help us to develop and install local renewable community energy projects in Dorset?   We have just secured planning approval for a 250kW ground-mounted solar PV array with the intention it will provide a direct supply through the grid to householders and businesses in Bridport, and have other projects in the pipeline.
Full details here 

Our Community Fund is open – apply by 7th May 2023

The community benefit of DCE is primarily the financial and carbon savings made by the installations, however DCE also allocates a fund each year to community projects which support its purpose. 

The fund is currently open for applications, with £6,329 in the funding pot.  Applications are invited for projects which reduce carbon emissions and or address fuel poverty in the Dorset.

Full details here

Help us spend our money!

Our Community Fund is open for applications, and we would like to invite our members to become Trustees of the Wessex Reinvestment Trust which will review the applications and help decide how the fund should be allocated. The funds will be allocated for BCP and Dorset based projects, but meetings will be online so you don’t have to be Dorset based. 

Full details here

Join us as a Project Management Contractor – apply by 14th April 23

Can you help us to develop and install local renewable community energy projects in Dorset?   We have just secured planning approval for a 250kW ground-mounted solar PV array with the intention it will provide a direct supply through the grid to householders and businesses in Bridport, and have other projects in the pipeline.

We are looking for one or more additional contractors to join our Project Management Framework. The contractors will work on project development and manage installation. Full details and how to apply are available at the link below.

Please apply by 14th April 2023.

Click here for Job Description/Person Specification

Our Community Fund is open – apply by 7th May 23

The community benefit of DCE is primarily the financial and carbon savings made by the installations, however DCE also allocates a fund each year to community projects which support its purpose. 

The fund is currently open for applications, with £6,329 in the funding pot.  Applications are invited for projects which reduce carbon emissions and or address fuel poverty in the Dorset.

Full details available here

Help us spend our money!

Our Community Fund is open for applications, and we would like to invite our members to become Trustees of the Wessex Reinvestment Trust which will review the applications and help decide how the fund should be allocated. The funds will be allocated for BCP and Dorset based projects, but meetings will be online so you don’t have to be Dorset based. Find out more here

Dottery Solar Array: Invitation to Planning Board meeting THIS THURSDAY 23 Feb

Dear DCE newsletter subscribers – a special welcome to new subscribers.
In this issue:

  • Dottery Solar Array Proposal – another opportunity to support the planning application

Best wishes from DCE Directors: Alison, Derek, Emily, Henry, Rose, Tim, and Tom

As you know, we have been working with Energy Local Bridport to develop proposals for a new solar array in Dottery near Bridport. A few months ago we shared our planning documents and asked you to voice your support, and we’d like to extend a huge thanks to the many of you who did just that, sharing your support online, in writing and through word-of-mouth. The work to date has been supported by the Rural Community Energy Fund.
The Dorset Council planning committee are meeting in Dorchester this Thursday the 23rd of February at 10:00 to determine whether or not we are awarded permission to go ahead with the project.
We’d love to see you there!  The meeting is open to the public, and you are welcome to attend in support of the project. We are first on the agenda after the public speaking portion of the meeting.
We already have speakers registered and ready to speak up in favour of the project, but your presence is welcome if you feel moved and are able to attend.

Venue:   Council Chamber, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ
Agenda: You can find the agenda and other papers here
Livestream: Dorset Council will also be live streaming the meeting in youtube if you’re unable to attend but would like to follow along from home

Opportunity to register support for local renewable energy

Dear DCE newsletter subscribers – a special welcome to new subscribers.
In this issue:

  • Dottery Solar Array Proposal – your opportunity to comment on the planning application

Best wishes from DCE Directors: Alison, Derek, Emily, Henry, Rose, Tim, and Tom

Dorset Community Energy hope to build a small ground-mounted solar array by the reservoir at Dottery.  We plan to make the electricity generated from the proposed array available to local residents via an Energy Local Club. These clubs allow members to buy cheaper electricity direct from a local renewable energy installation; and allow those generating the electricity to achieve slightly larger income than selling direct to the grid.

Those living close to the array will have the option of joining the Energy Local Club and buying cheaper electricity from the array when it is generating. Anyone living in the area will be able to join the Energy Local Club.

The planning application has been submitted and is open for comment until 14th October.  Please do register your support for the scheme, further details and resources are available on the Dottery Page

Click here to link to the Dottery Page – for further information and guidance on how to respond.

If the planning application is successful funds will be raised via a share offer, presenting an investment opportunity to Dorset residents. Households local to the array, existing Dorset Community Energy members and subscribers to this newsletter will all be invited to invest.

Please support the Dottery Solar Array Proposal before 14th October

Dorset Community Energy hope to build a small ground-mounted solar array by the reservoir at Dottery. We plan to make the electricity generated from the proposed array available to local residents via an Energy Local Club. These clubs allow members to buy cheaper electricity direct from a local renewable energy installation, and allow those generating the electricity to achieve slightly larger income than selling direct to the grid.

Those living close to the array will have the option of joining the Energy Local Club and buying cheaper electricity from the array when it is generating. Anyone living in the area will be able to join the Energy Local Club.

The planning application has been submitted and is open for comment until 14th October.  Please do register your support for the scheme, further details and resources are available on the Dottery Page

Click here to link to the Dottery Page – for further information and guidance on how to respond.

If the planning application is successful funds will be raised via a share offer, presenting an investment opportunity to Dorset residents. Households local to the array, existing Dorset Community Energy members and subscribers to this newsletter will all be invited to invest.