2019 Share Offer Update

Following our February newsletter the Dorset Community Energy (DCE) share offer is making excellent progress towards an expected launch date in June. 

If you have received this email directly you are on our mailing list and will be invited to invest as soon as all the details are available. 

If this email was forwarded to you subscribe here.

The exact details of the share offer are being finalised.   The new share offer looks to raise £445,000 to install 700kW of solar photovoltaic panels at ten schools and hospitals in addition to our current portfolio of 420kW at sixteen schools and community buildings.   This will provide an opportunity for you to invest in shares, with an expected interest rate of 5.5%, and capital repaid over 20 years, a local, ethical and carbon friendly investment.  All existing newsletter subscribers will be invited to invest, as well as those already holding shares in DCE.  One or more launch events will also be held.   

May is a busy time for DCE, we will hear about the outcome of our Low Carbon Dorset Grant application, finalise details with the sites, and draw together the share offer document. 

Many thanks to those who took part in our February survey, as a thank you DCE have made a gift to Trees for Life which will fund the planting of a tree to restore ancient woodland in Caledonian Forest in the Scottish Highlands.  The survey was completed by 36 people, who all supported the share offer, with 94% of respondents indicating they would consider investing , an average of £2,750, or £100,000 in total. 

Please do share this email with friends and family and encourage them to subscribe so they are also invited to invest.  We want to be in a position to install on all the identified sites, and we already have interest from other unconfirmed sites. .  

Make sure you don’t miss out subscribe here

Read more on our website.

Best wishes from the DCE Directors: Tim, Tom, Pete, Derek, Emily and Henry