Dorset Community Energy 3rd Share Offer update

Following our successful share offer, the work to implement DCE’s 3rd 700kWp PV portfolio continues. The first installation with be 100kW at the Wey Valley Academy. Work will be commenced during the Autumn half-term and completed during Spring half-term. We are also aiming to install a further 3 sites in 2019.

The remaining sites will be installed next year and we are still expecting completion by the end of March 2020. Some sites have not yet signed the Heads of Terms, once these are signed outstanding shares will be issued. One site has decided not to progress the installation but we are in discussions with several alternative sites. If you invested in the 3rd share offer and have not yet received your share certificate, we will be corresponding with you later in October to provide a more detailed update. Do contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

More information about our 3rd Share Offer