Dorset Community Energy September Newsletter

Welcome to our September Newsletter

In this issue:

  • Initial results from our retrofit survey
  • AGM – Save the date – 15 October – Via Zoom
  • The community fund is changing!
  • Would your child’s school benefit from a visit?
  • Visit Dorset Greener Homes this weekend

Best wishes from DCE Directors: Derek, Emily, Ali, Henry, Rose and Tim. 

Thank you to everyone who took part in our retrofit survey

Its been really helpful in guiding the next steps for the project- if you’d like to read more a short report is available here
Congratulations to Phyllida Culpin, winner of the £100 voucher.

2024 AGM – Tuesday 15th October – Via Zoom

This year’s AGM will be held via Zoom on Tuesday 15 October at 7pm.  The necessary papers, registration and joining links will be sent to members electronically in advance of the meeting.  Please do save the date and come along. 

The Community Fund is changing

The community fund is now open year-round to support projects that aim to reduce carbon emissions and / or address fuel poverty in the Dorset and BCP area with grants up to £1500.  
Read more and apply

DCE Directors out and about!

Directors Rose and Ali have been out visiting schools in Somerset and Dorset. Combining practical workshops with classroom learning, our solar and wind energy kits are showing future generations how sustainable, low carbon energy can be achieved and why it works.
If you know of a school that would benefit from a visit from Rose and Ali, please get in touch with a name and we’ll take it from there.

Are you free this weekend?

Dorset Climate Action Network’s ‘Greener Homes’ event is underway this weekend 21/22 September with over 100 homes to visit.
Find out more here: Dorset Greener Homes Overview | DCAN (

Retrofit Survey- summary of initial results

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Dorset Community Energy and Wessex Community Assets are designing a new home retrofit service, the Dorset Retrofit One Stop Shop, to help householders overcome key barriers to making their homes more energy efficient. In August 155 households completed the survey and this will help us develop a service that supports people’s efforts to retrofit their homes. You can read a summary of these initial responses here: